Sample Data on the Snowflake Marketplace

Snowflake Secure Data Sharing

Finding the right dataset for a demo can be a challenge. There are several locations where you can find datasets. Recently I found out about Knoema. On Knoema there is a wealth of datasets either to achieve for free or via a subscription. Snowflake offers an easy alternative for you with Knoema datasets on the Snowflake […]

Snowflake GROUP BY Data Heroes

Group BY Snowflake Datahero

Wednesday 15 July 2020, I had the privilege to present at the first online Snowflake ❄️ GROUP BY Data Heroes online event. For me personally a great opportunity to get more involved into the Snowflake Community. A fantastic chance to help others and myself to get better. Special thanks to Angelica Coleman, Elsa Mayer and Kent Graziano for the organisation and […]