
Snowflake Snowday 2023 – “The View Ahead”

Last Thursday I attended Snowflake’s Snowday After last June’s Snowflake Summit, another event full of announcements. This blog is a compilation based on my notes of all the announcements that have been made.

Snowday 2023

Snowflake Snowday 2023 Header

This years Snowday 2023 was concentrated around the following 3 topics:

  • Data Foundation
  • Accelerate AI Succes
  • Scale with Applications

A solid Data Foundation is a pre-requisite  to accelerate AI Success or to scale with Applications.

Bring the Data to the Compute instead of the other way around. Do not try to solve data silos on one hand and create others on the other hand. Focus on building data products instead of building and maintaining the platform. Let Snowflake do the heavy lifting in the back. Ease & simplicity.

Data Foundation

  • Snowflake Tables (Storage)
    • Hybrid Tables (Unistore) – Full Public Preview at the end of 2023
    • Iceberg Tables – Public Preview soon
  • Snowflake Horizon (Data Governance)
    • Compliance
      • Data Quality Monitoring (Data Metric Function, notifications & alerts) – Private Preview today
      • Data Lineage UI as part of Snowsight – Private Preview today
    • Security
      • Trust Centre, a new interface in Snowsight – Private Preview soon
    • Privacy
      • Differential Privacy – Privacy Controls – Private Preview soon 
    • Interoperability
      • Iceberg Catalog API – In Development
    • Access
      • Search through your entire Metadata Catalog via Natural Language experience – Private Preview today
  • Continuous Performance Improvements
  • Cost Management InterfacePrivate Preview today
    • Visability
    • Control
    • Optimization

Accelerate AI Succes

Build and Deploy ML with Ease.

  • Snowpark ML Modeling API – GA soon
  • Snowpark Model Registry – Public Preview soon
  • Snowflake Feature Store – Private Preview today
    • (Python & SQL)
  • Streamlit in Snowflake – Public Preview today
  • Snowflake Notebooks – Private Preview today
  • Snowpark Container Services – Public Preview soon in  in select AWS regions

Build Full Custom Apps

AI for Everyone – Snowflake Cortex

  • Serverless Specialized functions powered by Cortex (ML- & LLM-based)
    • LLM-based models
      • Answer Extraction – Private Preview today
      • Sentiment Detection – Private Preview today
      • Text Summarization – Private Preview today
      • Translation – Private Preview today
    • ML-based models
      • Forecasting – GA soon
      • Anomaly Detection – GA soon
      • Contribution Explorer – Public Preview soon
      • Classification – Private Preview soon
  • Serverless General functions powered by Cortex
    • Complete – Private Preview today
    • Text2SQL – Private Preview today
  • Snowflake Copilot – Private Preview today
  • Document AI – Private Preview today
  • Search – Private Preview today

Scale with Applications

  • Database Change Management
    • Git Integration
      • run scripts from files in stage – Private Preview today
      • create or alter snowflake objects – GA soon
    • Native App Framework – GA soon on AWS and Public Preview soon on Azure
      • Snowflake Funding Program
        • “The Powered by Snowflake Funding Program intends to invest up to $100M in startups building Snowflake Native Apps. The program features AWS and leading venture capital firms.”
    • Snowflake Command Line Interface – Public Preview soon
    • Event Tables – GA
    • Universal Search – Private Preview today
      • Natural Language Search & Find objects in the Data Cloud


Continuing after Snowflake Summit, Snowflake has made a few additional announcements. Still everything is concentrated around the idea that data should remain in one place regardless of where the data is going to be used next. Bring AI and Applications to the data instead of the other way around. Downside of all these announcements is that a lot of these announcements are still in Private Preview or at least not Generally Available for the public.

Till next time.

Snowflake Data Superhero. Online also known as; DaAnalytics.

Daan Bakboord

DaAnalytics signature picture with Data Superhero avatar.

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Snowflake Snowflake Data Cloud Summit — Wrap Up

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Bring the processing of data to the data instead of the other way around. Snowflake as a Platform where you build and share your Data, Apps and AI Products. Your data never has to leave the Platform and Snowflake takes care of this Platform.

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Snowflake Data Cloud Summit – Day II

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This blogpost a summarization of my notes with were possible a link to Snowflake publications or documentation.

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Snowflake Data Cloud Summit - Day I

Snowflake Data Cloud Summit – Day I

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